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Book Fair

There is a book fair in school next week. Classes will be given time to look at the books next week and decide if they’d like to buy any.  Days and times will be shared with pupils as soon as possible.

If parents/carers would like to look at the books, contact the office and you can look at the books together after school.

Valentine Disco

Our Valentine Disco is next week, Thursday 7th February.

There is an Infant only Disco between 5.00pm and 6.00pm

The Junior Disco will start at 6.00pm and finish at 7.00pm.
There is a £1 entry fee and there will be plenty of nibbles and squash!

We ask that all Infants are accompanied by an adult.

If our Infant pupils have young brothers or sisters they can come too if they are supervised by an adult.

Tonnau Junior pupils must know how to get home safely if they are un-accompanied.

We want to keep our disco safe; older/comprehensive children mean our building is too full – sorry.