We couldn’t be prouder of our school netball team winning the NPT tournament on Wednesday.
We can’t wait for the next round 🙂
Last Friday was Red Nose Day. We were able to raise £372 and everyone enjoyed coming in their casual clothes! Thanks for all your support once again – £372 is a Fantastic amount!!!!!!
St David’s Day! Da iawn to every class for your acts and to our violinists for playing so well. Everyone looked fantastic!
We will be celebrating Comic Relief (Red Nose Day) on Friday 15th March.
Children are welcome to come to school in non-school uniform for the cost of £1 which will be donated to the charity.
There will also me Red Noses on sale at the cost of £1.25 from Monday 11th March.
On the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, red noses will be limited to one per school child. On Thursday and Friday we will then sell off any remaining noses to anyone who would like an extra nose. There are enough red noses for every child in the school to have one.
Please send the red nose money in an envelope labelled with your child’s name and class teacher. Exact money please would be much appreciated.
We have recently been able to host a Children and Families Project. The sessions run on a Monday afternoon and they are looking FANTASTIC!!!
The project’s leader is intending to stay in school next Monday – 11/3/2019 – and offer a ‘drop-in’ advice surgery from 2.15 until 4.00. If you’d like to book a session for advice around
please contact Leanne on 01639 873033/07815705847