Author: Kate F

Musical Madness and Fun Friday

We’ve had a busy week.

Our children had lots of fun playing instruments during one of our sensory circuits sessions this week, they loved exploring the different sounds and what happens when you do things slow, fast, hard and soft.

The children also enjoyed creating Valentine’s cards and flowers for their loved ones. We made bubble paint to stamp some hearts and made beautiful bouquets of flowers too.

Fun Friday Messy Play

As today is Charles Dickens’ birthday, we decided to celebrate with some ‘Oliver’ themed messy play. We had porridge and discussed what we could do when it was dry and then again when it had water added to it. We had lots of fun scooping and pouring and even squelching it through out hands. Our children had a wonderful time exploring.

Fun Friday

Today, our children enjoyed making bird feeders to hang in our infant yard. They enjoyed spreading the lard onto the cardboard roll and sprinkling them with bird seeds. A tasty treat for the birds we see in the yard.